जुजुमानका साहसिक कार्यहरु - भाग १८ (फेरी कछुवा र खरायो)
पोड्कास्ट डाउनलोड गर्नका लागि तल क्लिक गर्नुहोला।
The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible (Nepali)- Episode 18
यस पोड्कास्टका अरु अङ्क सुन्नको लागि तल क्लिक गर्नु होला ।
Welcome to my personal blog. I mostly write on entrepreneurship, economics, libertarianism, movies, and my travels.
August 25, 2013 Surath Giri
It appears to be a compelling and innovative topic that could spark engaging conversations and enrich the cultural landscape of Nepali theater.
Yojana Park: Hayek Comes to Nepali Theatre - Surath Giri's Blog · 1 year ago
By observing his brother, who is unaware of himself, murder someone with a Colt handgun. Somebody can tell by simply watching a colt revolver in operation, which not many people (even who own one)...
Surath Giri's Blog: Slumdog Millionaire : A Review · 1 year ago
In other words, an inaccurate documentary (?) that is delightful all the time and humorous at times as well as sad and beautiful at other times. a fantastic family movie. And a must-watch for...
A Libertarian in Nepal: Animals are beautiful people (1974): A review · 1 year ago
A meeting of early-stage entrepreneurs to discuss the wellbeing of entrepreneurs and the significance of emotional resilience was facilitated a few weeks ago by Global Shapers Kathmandu Hub, an...
Entrepreneurship and Emotional Resilience in Nepal - Surath Giri's Blog · 1 year ago
We traveled to Kathmandu by early-morning bus. We were so tired that we spent the majority of the trip sleeping and barely spoke to one another. But there was one thing that really bothered me. I...
Numbur Cheese Circuit Trek : My most adventurous trek! - Surath Giri's Blog · 1 year ago