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Feb 22, 2015

Story of an entrepreneur: Khadananda Shiwakoti of Shiwakoti Bags

Shiwakoti Bags is one of the leading bag brands of Nepal currently. It not only supplies bags to Nepali market but also exports them abroad. The annual turnover of Shiwakoti Bags is in millions but very few people know the humble beginnings of this company. The company was established by Khadananda Shiwakoti and his elder brother in 2000, who were then working as laborers in other bags manufacturers. Shiwakoti brothers who started their careers as street hawkers had managed to save Rs. 50,000 by 2000 when they decided to start their own company. Below is the video of Khadananda Shiwakoti sharing about his entrepreneurial journey from a street hawker to the proud owner of a leading national brand. The video was taken during Uddhyami Junction, one of the regular programs of SAGE (Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship) Nepal.

Feb 20, 2015

How to Improve Electricity Transmission System in Nepal?

Majority of hydropower projects in Nepal have not gone under construction due to the absence of transmission lines and thus it is one of the key constraints that has been keeping the country from realizing its enormous hydro potential and easing the prevailing electricity crisis. Nepal Electricity Authority, the state owned monopoly has a practical monopoly in the construction and ownership of transmission lines in Nepal. Since Nepal Electricity Authority is mired with corruption and inefficiency, it has been acting as a bottleneck for the development of hydro-power development in Nepal. How can we solve this problem? What can be a better policy option for improving the transmission line system in Nepal? I have co-authored a paper titled "Policy Options for Improved Electricity Transmission System in Nepal" with my colleagues at Samriddhi, The Prosperity Foundation. You can read it or download it below:

Please let me know if you have any comments or feedback on this paper.